
The aim of this page is to keep a running update of what makes it into the inventory list to take with us. We have broken it down into a couple of different areas. This will also help us see if anything is doubled up.

One of the best things I was ever told about packing to go on a trip is try and only take things that could do more than one job, ideally three! This is obviously only good for somethings as we will probably take a tooth brush each, and I don't intend to use it for anything else but putting in my mouth! 

But you get the idea.

There are so many things to think about when choosing the items to take, weight, bulk, how can it be stored, security, robustness etc etc. We also want to do this as simply as possible, the less we take the less we depend on.

So here goes,

Personal Items (Clothing etc.)

Vehicle Specific (Tools, fluids etc)

Communication and Equipment (Phone, Camera, GPS etc.)

Supplies (Water, Food Etc.)

Camping / Travel Equipment (Sleeping bags, Cooking Equipment etc.)

As we travel we will update the above with anything that breaks, gets lost, is not fit for task etc

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